Login to Routera

How to login to Routera

There are multiple ways to log in to Routera; enter an email address and password, or sign in with Google. 

If you forgot your password, click Forgot my password on the login page. If the password reset doesn't appear in your inbox, learn how to add routera.io to your email allowlist. 

If you're unable to log in to Routera, try the following troubleshooting steps: 

  • Make sure that you are using a supported browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) 
  • If you have multiple email addresses, ensure that you're using the email address associated with your HubSpot account.
  • Clear the cache and cookies in your browser and retry.
  • Try logging in from another network, such as a cellular network, to see if the issue is network-related. If you are able to log in from another network, contact your IT department or network administrator to troubleshoot the network issue.

If you're unable to log in after following the steps above, submit your information to the Routera support team. 

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